Sunday, January 6, 2008

What a day!! Never will I see so much of one city!

Today, we got to go see the city, and it was one long ride, but totally worth every second! My favorite part was seeing the palace all lit up in its beauty, and let me tell you, it was breathtaking! Never have I seen a palace lit up with 96,000 lights (although they could have added the extra 4,000 light bulbs to make it an even 100K), and it must have taken some patience to put those up, or let alone find a light bulb that’s blown out! In the morning we went to Chamundi Hills, and saw the temple up there, and I actually got to do some praying after 2 weeks of not going at all! Also, Srirangapatna was a really fun historical city to go to, and the bird sanctuary was even better! We got to see real crocodiles, and I’ve never been so scared out of my pants to be so close! Here are some pictures from that day! Enjoy!

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