Friday, January 11, 2008


Infosys… need I say more? Could there be a more beautiful site to see everyday when you go to work? Well, not unless you work at Infosys. With their buildings appearing like the Coliseum, the library that looks like a building from ancient Greek mythology, a whole little mall on the campus (yes… with a Domino’s!), and their housing for the faculty, what else could one ask for? Well… at first this company seemed like a dream to work at, but after that presentation… it made me think they have quite the ego! I respect that these people work hard at what they do, but I can’t imagine being kind of brainwashed to do what they want you to do. I still want to do what I want, and be who I am, and not act like they want me to… after all, we are going for individualism… right? I don’t want to offend anyone by saying this, so I am truly sorry if I have. Infosys is a great company and know what they are doing, but I would not be able to work there. However, Infosys has proven to be a leader in its IT services, and no one does it better. They offer so many great things to their employees (besides classes, there’s a large pool, workout facilities, and badminton courts the size of a football field… or so it seemed!) They know how to keep their company going, and even though they are not profit-driven, they really do put an emphasis on their employees to do the best. It really is a sign of globalization and how it’s making its way throughout the world. In The World is Flat Friedman talks about how the dot-com bust drove globalization and it forced companies to outsource/offshore their functions in order to become leaders in their industry, and Infosys is a great example of this. Here are some pictures of their absolutely gorgeous campus!

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